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Tuesday 3 September 2019


You often hear it said that that in any endeavour, particularly a creative one, it's important to have courage, conviction, belief and a vision you stick to. There are plenty of motivational soundbites about only never failing if you never try etc.. All good and helpful, maybe even important, as motivation. Probably most of us need to think it's worth doing something, and to remind ourselves every now and then. But this is perhaps because most of us are not completely convinced, entitles, self-obsessed. It's no bad thing to have that bit of doubt - not the crippling stuff that leads to -abandonment of any and all enthusiasm - a bit of doubt that sharpens the critical faculties. The moment when you think something like 'people are actually going to see this' and you notice what you suddenly really don't like. But you do need to then take a step, and that's when you need the courage of your convictions. There is a certain pride, for better or worse, in finally saying I believe in this, even if others don't. I'm not the type of person who thinks everyone else must be wrong, and that if I like something I must be objectively correct, and maybe this has caused a problem of not enough confidence. With the above photo however, I feel there's something I've done I would argue is...not bad. I'd even say I like it, even if others don't. It's not perfect, but I like it. This is saying a lot for a photo I took. Of course there's usually a lot less at stake when you're dealing with a photo, even one submitted for sale or display, to a customer or into a competition, than when lives and countries are the subject of debate. A little bit of doubt, concern for others, listening and looking and feeling and less self obsession seemingly might be a good thing at the moment. Yes, it's Brexit. A fundamentalist belief in known and unknown obvious lies because they confirm what you want to believe. I'd rather have doubts than find out too late my belief wasn't enough. 

I do like the above photo though.

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